Monday, February 8, 2010

Not Me! Monday

I read about not me mondays at This is a way to reveal some moments that most of us would rather just are a few of my not me! moments from the last week...

I definitely didn't say I was going to cook dinner every day last week and then end up only making taco's on tuesday... nope not me! and I did not let the bed go unmade ALL week simply because I didn't want to walk upstairs. Not me! I most certainly did not let the baby sleep in his swing all night long, because I new if I took him up to his bed he would wake up and it would be HOURS before I got to go to bed. I would NEVER do that! Not me...

Do you want to join in on not me! Mondays? It really is a way to help yourself realize that the things that seemed so bad while they were happening really weren't that bad looking back on it! Go to MckMama's blog and check it out, or click the link on the lower right side of my page.

Here is what is happening at the Stricklands house on this Monday evening:
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Joshua and Daddy are sitting on the couch watching the History channel :) Yes my husband LOVES watching the History channel. And it is even better now that it is in HD!

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Deuce is standing in the kitchen, staring at his ball (as usual) waiting for someone to play with him! Deuce is obsessed with his ball and never takes his eye off of it. Even when he is sleeping!

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and I, of course, am on the computer :) Updating my blog for all of YOU! My lovely readers! And like always, I have no makeup on and have done nothing with my hair. What's the point when my husband and baby love me just how I am? And no one else sees me besides them! Plus I am sick and the idea of make up is just... ugh.

I hope everyone is having a wonderful Monday! Mine was pretty good :) I drove for the first time since I left Japan in October and it wasn't to bad! The only thing I did was reach for the signal on the right side, which is where it was in Japan. Other than that me and Joshua had a wonderful time walking around Wal-Mart while Daddy and Deuce were sleeping the day away!

Make sure to check out not me mondays!

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