Saturday, May 29, 2010


We have had a busy Saturday so far! It is only 3:00 and we are going over to friends tonight so it should be a good night too :)

We have this room in our house, it's an extra room. We usually just close the door and pretend it isn't there. It has been our "Storage" room for the last 6 months we have lived here. Today that all changed! As you all know my family is coming down to visit us in a couple weeks and some of the kids are going to be staying with us while they are here so we need somewhere for them to sleep. We totally cleaned that room out and all that we have in it so far is a bookshelf but we are going to get a futon soon and will have an official guest room. This makes me so happy :D I have been wanting to get this done for SO long and today it happened!

We also washed the truck this morning and cleaned the rest of the house (Somewhat) so we have had a very productive Saturday *thanks to Joshua waking up at 6:30* but in the long run I will thank him, he pulled me out of bed and got me going! But now he has been sleeping all day so I HOPE he sleeps tonight (Fingers crossed!!) We will be out past his bed time tonight so hopefully that will help him sleep later.

I need to go finish cleaning our bedroom then get dressed and ready to go, BBQ tonight and then watching a UFC fight with some friends :) Hope you are all having a very happy Saturday!! ♥

1 comment:

Stephanie M. Page said...

Happy Tuesday Melissa! I liked reading your answers, I love hamburgers on the grill. for real. I also wanted to let you know that I have been posting tips on internet marketing that you might be interested in at =) LOVE you!!