Saturday we went and visited a friend I went to high school with, Sarah. You can read all about her journey as her husband is deployed and she has a 18 month old and a new born,
Joshua and Sarah's little cutie Peyton had fun playing together for the most part.
Peyton didn't wanna share her toys, and Joshua is always a bully so poor Pey got hit a few times. She was a trooper though and gave him a few hugs before we left :)
This is adorable little Vandis.
Joshua had a little practice with a baby! He did a lot better than I thought he would, I can't wait until he can meet his little brother.
Saturday Evening we went to a movie with Ryan's family (minus his sister who is in Wisconsin for college) then we went to dinner at Olive Garden. Delicious! I didn't take many pictures... just on my phone. This is Ryan's sister Amber, and his brother Tyler (behind the hands)
You gotta ♥ Family :)
[Easter Sunday]
We had a BEAUTIFUL sunny Easter here in Minnesota. Now if we could get that weather to stay! Ryan worked from 6-9 Sunday morning, and Joshua slept in until almost 9. I had fun taking my time getting ready and taking a long hot shower (you know, the things I did when I woke up by myself, not a 1 year old:))
After Joshua woke up we did a little easter project.
we turned this
into these
Joshua helped hide the secret M&M's inside.
And of course ate a few in the process :)
After we were done making a mess, we got all ready for church and waited for Daddy to get home from work then headed off to church! After church they had about a dozen doves that they set free. I wish I would have brought my camera because it was beautiful! Joshua got to pet a dove, and he loved watching them fly away. SO much fun!
after we got home from church we gave Mr. Josh his very first easter basket! He was there when we bought everything, but was still pleasantly surprised (ahh the joys of a one year old).
He got a super cool squirt gun in his easter basket
After the joys of discovering his easter basket and playing with the toys and eating some candy we headed over to Grandma and Grandpa Andersons for a delicious ham lunch and an easter egg hunt!
Oh and we took some pictures
Joshua found almost all his eggs on his own
Lily needed a little help. Everyone was giving her clues and it took her forever to find her last one!
but she's a CUTIE!
After we got home, Ryan's parents stopped by to bring Joshua a fun blue ball for easter, and a package of animal crackers. Joshua had fun playing outside with them, Grandpa even rolled down the hill with him :) Sadly I left my camera at my parents house and I didn't get any cute pictures of them playing.
Monday was another beautiful day here, so we took advantage of it and spent PLENTY of time outside. We went on a nice long walk before we had to run to the library for some Algebra books for Daddy (He has a test on Friday!). We played outside a little more when we got home then Joshua took an EXTREMELY long nap (over 3 hours). We BBQ'd for dinner, Joshua took a bath then played outside a little more. That's a lot of playing outside :)
Deuce enjoyed being outside all day too!
Good thing we enjoyed the weather while it lasted, it is 45 and rainy today. No fun :( and tomorrow, they are saying we have a chance of snow! Ridiculous! Its almost May.
I hope you all had a WONDERFUL, family filled Easter weekend. Remember the reason we celebrate it is because we have an amazing heavenly Father who gave his life for YOU! What an amazing God!
Love Love ♥