I LOVE FALL!!! It is October 3rd and fall is officially here. Fall is Minnesota is absolutely beautiful! Yesterday and today we had some beautiful weather, mid 70's, so we have been living outside! I am not looking forward to being stuck inside with these little monsters all winter... We will be doing all kinds of fun stuff though so hopefully it won't be to bad. We have been at the park for a couple hours a day the last few days, I keep forgetting my camera so we don't have many pictures :( I plan on doing some pictures of the boys soon though, they are getting so big!! Here is a picture of the beautiful trees at the park by our house that I snapped with my phone a few days ago. my phone camera is dying so I don't have much on there anymore either.
Here is a video of my silly's playing on the swings together, Joshua loves to give Sam "Underdoggies" :)